absolutely positioned right  
absolutely positioned left  
absolutely positioned middle  
bottom-right outside positioned circle
<div class="grid-12 layout_rel col_ggPrimary1 box_bottomMargin1">
   <span class="layout_abs layout_abs_right">absolutely positioned right</span>
   &nbsp; <!-- the absolute positioned element takes up no space so we lose the background of the parent without this-->
<div class="grid-12 layout_rel col_ggPrimary1 box_bottomMargin1">
   <span class="layout_abs layout_abs_left">absolutely positioned left</span>
   &nbsp; <!-- the absolute positioned element takes up no space so we lose the background of the parent without this-->
<div class="grid-12 layout_rel col_ggPrimary1 box_bottomMargin1">
   <span class="layout_abs layout_abs_middle">absolutely positioned middle</span>
   &nbsp; <!-- the absolute positioned element takes up no space so we lose the background of the parent without this-->
<div class="grid-2 col_ggPrimary2 box_padded2 layout_rel">
   bottom-right outside positioned circle
   <div class="circleIcon col_ggSecondary3 layout_abs layout_abs_bottomRightOutside text_fontSizeSmallest">9+</div>
Source: layout/layout.less, line 21