In Ayacucho, Peru, there is a high number of adolescents and youth at risk, with many unmet basic needs, not only on a physical level, but also on an psychological and social level. These difficulties make youth seek attention more often in the consumption of alcohol and drugs; the integration of youth in gangs; human trafficking; or committing crime. We offer an Alternative Youth Space, a space to build healthy friendships, tutorials, education workshops, and skill development.
We hope to provide a positive and healthy space for youth in the three locations of the Alternative Youth Space program. We need to cover expenses of the activities in the three locations. We need to raise at least USD 15,000 to provide this preventative programming. The funds raised will pay the rent of the premises for the operation of the three Alternative Youth Spaces, allow for a social educator in each zone, and we will be able to buy books, equipment and acquire recreational material.
With the funds, adolescents and youth will avoid falling into situations of violence, drugs, alcoholism and other problems. It will improve their family relationships, psychosocial skills and abilities, help the youth manage emotions. They will have greater emotional control and will practice positive life skills, such as positive socialization and team work. Other values that will be strengthen are: punctuality, leadership, respect, self-esteem, and confidence.
The project is for one year, and will have long term impacts. However, we intend to continue these Alternative Youth Spaces for several years to see the impact. We want to serve adolescents and young people in the most difficult and vulnerable moments of their lives. It is important that these youth can heal their wounds, be empowered and be resilient as people. We want to strengthen their organizations to achieve better living conditions, which they are entitled as human beings and as citizens.
This project has provided additional documentation in a DOCX file (projdoc.docx).