Youth Empowerment Program main objective is to provide Entrepreneurship training skills to young entrepreneurs in order for them to become entrepreneurs and own their economic success. The program is being implemented to youth that shows the demand of developing the entrepreneurship career and who wished to succeed in Entrepreneurship career. The focus is improving their livelihood by providing entrepreneurship , financial and work readiness training and later form a saving and create jobs.
Sixty percent (60%) of the population of sub-Saharan Africa and about thirty-seven percent (37%) of its workforce are youth under age 25 (Restless Development Global Strategy 2011-2015). Tanzania has a youth population of approximately 33.7% who are between age 15-35. Every year approximately 10,000 young people in Tanzania enter into a weak labor market, where high unemployment, low productivity and poverty-level income are common place,no sustainable income to won the future.(Census 2012).
The project will solve the problem by providing training to youth that enhances the enterprise, employability, leadership skills of youth; bolstering their capacities to build sustainable livelihoods and contribute to improving their communities. Specifically (i) 500 youth will receive enterprise training (ii) 85% of the beneficiaries develop skills in small and medium business (iii) 35% of existing business improve operations and profitability (iv) 30% of the beneficiaries obtain employment
The potential long term benefit from the project are (i) Provide Entrepreneurship training to 500youth in the Iringa and Zanzibar (ii) Establish and register 80 rural small and medium-sized business established (iii) Improve and register 750 existing youth-owned enterprises (iv) Equip 500 youth with market-demanded employability skills (technical & soft) (v) Increased incomes by 85% of the targeted youth beneficiaries (vi) Improve decision-making access and participation of 300 youth.
This project has provided additional documentation in a DOCX file (projdoc.docx).