We want young people inspiring other young people to bring content and community vivencias Building a Culture of Peace for the media world, creating a viral effect that the videos, photos and positive texts may draw attention in social networks and create an effect dominoes that reveals that many care about building a better world.
We live in a Culture of Violence and the media (TV, Radio, Newspapers, Magazines, Internet, etc.). Reflect this culture of violence and warmongering. Language is always war for any subject matter. This makes us feel that we always live in a war, and generates a lot of despair and disharmony. We produce many programs guided by the violence as entertainment.
Come through workshops, encouraging young people to "look at the world" appreciative and focused on what humans have in a better way. Capturing these moments and actions, and translate them into media Paz (Text with video and photos). Be able to generate constructive media content to bring people more hope, peace and harmony, and in a domino effect through social networks, inspire other initiatives.
Who cares? (With the construction of a better world). If there is a "force" the images and actions of violence, there is a "much greater force" the images and actions of peace. The 80 annual youth workshop students, will produce 240 actions per year with this principle and essence. Each work will reach at least 1,000 people through social networking. We can then reach 240,000 people inspired with these short videos and text (with photos).
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).