Opening the Door to Development Technology to Rural People (ODDTRP) was recognized as a non-Political, non-Sectarian, non-Religious and is all indigenous, non profit Development registered non governmental organization that was founded basically to change the structure and processes that perpetuate poverty and suffering among the economically poor, vulnerable, disadvantaged and marginalized groups in the communities ODDTRP was found in 1999 and fully recognized in 2004 .
Mbarara and Ibanda districts census 2012 are high populated, Mbarara 82000 peoples 92% live in rural and Ibanda78000 peoples 97% live in rural. Agriculture is the most important sector of the economy but no fertile land, industries, factories, unreliable power supply, high energy costs and inadequate transportation infrastructure. Nearly 20% of its population living below poverty. Youth under age are more involved in hazardous work, school drop outs, unemployed are increasing on daily basis,
The project support developments projects that meets the demand of the local labor market, mobilizing the target groups and instill the spirit of becoming job creators, encourage cooperation, create an sense of resource mobilization, employment opportunities and offer vocational and life skills (self help projects )
The project will train 236 job creators in different courses that are competing in today's labor market, empower them with startup tool sets and equipment after their graduattion, provide support to self-help development projects to elderly and disabled,which will enable them to provide for their families health and well-being .