Summary: In 2013, South Sudan, the world's youngest nation plunged into a civil war now in its 6th year, has uprooted 4.5 million people, 2 million internally displaced, 2.5 million as refugees. Infrastructure, economy, livelihoods shattered, women/youth most affected; have high illiteracy rate, no life skills, no income sources, traumatized, rape, gender-based violence surging.
War shattered women, youth economic livelihoods, income sources, collapsed economy. It is not uncommon to witness women/girls resort to prostitution just to feed their children, meet basic needs; exposing to diseases, hopelessness. Families survive on US$ 1 a day. No grid electricity, 1.2% access, challenge for student to do homework without light, an impediment to acquiring basic education, sanitation in schools is poor, girl-child school dropout high, early child marriage.
Run a 24-months Integrated Program to restore livelihoods, hope to distressed women and youth out of poverty, violence cycle by; vocational skills training (tailoring, liquid soap, saloon, bakery), vegetables growing, micro-business, financial literacy, form "merry-go-round" micro-saving, micro-credit groups, micro-seed capital / starter kits, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence training, menstrual kits to students, mobile solar lamps to students' families. Promote peaceful co-existence and mindset
Women/youth productivity, hope restored, hands-on practical life-skills, women-owned businesses, job creation, avoid childhood girl marriage, better sanitation in schools, responsive, positive gender sensitive community, reduced trauma, shift in cultural norms, transformative laws. Better girl-child performance, quality life. Women access to capital, market, networks mentorship. A lot of data generated to inform future decisions. 250,000 beneficiaries - multiplier effect, productive citizens.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).