Child sponsorship play a key role in freeing a child from poverty. In fact, they ensure that a child has the tools they need to thrive. Many people are involved in a child's development. As the saying goes, it takes a village to raise a child.
Thousands of children live in poverty without the support they need to survive & thrive in their communities. Recent school dropouts has exacerbated the problem, poor children don't have access to education & forced to go out to do poorly paid work. Girls are particularly badly affected, with uneducated parents opting for illegal child marriage, which inevitably leads to youth pregnancy. Today we would like to introduce you to 8key people who play a role in the development of the sponsored child
1. The parents or caregiver of the child, 2. Neighbors and community members, 3. Director of the child development centre, 4. Child development centre tutor, 5. Pastor or Church Leader, 6. Health professionals, 7. Teacher, 8. GlobalGiving supporter/donor. <<< This list of people who matter would be incomplete without the godparents and supporters of ! These play an important role in the development of the child. It also provides the resources necessary for the development of children.
Child Sponsorship is a proven long term solution to the systemic problem of underprivileged children not attending school. Uneducated parents are forced to address short term needs by sending kids out to earn money or look after siblings & not to school. Sponsorship puts the emphasis on education & sport. Younger siblings attend school and so the cycle changes.
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