WEC MEDICAL SERVICES AND CARE is registered in Uganda as a charity organization with Directorate of Community Based Services to provides charity Medical Services to Women, Elderly and Children mainly by prevention approach, through providing basic medical health care, promote community and community and home based health care ensuring patient education, disease awareness, indigent medical care, sensitization, and and domiciliary services, Education to the needy, rehabilitation and counseling
In Sub-Sararan Afria, the most cause of ill related death cases are manageable and treatable diseases and infections. None communicable diseases can be controlled by health education and sensitization. WEC MEDICAL SERVICES provides charity Medical Services to Women, Elderly and Children mainly by prevention approach, Care through providing basic medical healthcare, promote community and home based health care ensuring patient education, disease awareness indigent medical care, sensitization, and
WEC Medical Services & Care is meant to provide professional and quality MEDICAL SERVICES to Women, Elderly and Children through working with community women by availing them with Free Consultations, Laboratory diagnostic services and Drugs Outreach and free treatment of children, women and Elderly, Free Antenatal and postnatal Care services amongst others, To promote Domiciliary Medical services to Elderly, women and Children. To carry outreach programs in order to provide health services
Approximately 70% decrease in maternal mortality and morbidity rate. Decrease in child mortality rate. Health education to clients will be improved leading to a healthy and productive community, free from preventable diseases. With Provision of Charitable medical services to Women, Elderly, Children and Vulnerable communities- Refugees, there will be excellent health services access. Reasonable decrease of children who are malnourished and agonized by preventable diseases
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).