Project Site - village in South East Bangalore - India. Water shortage exists due to urbanization affecting Gerizim's Boys Home waterless for the past 4 months. The beneficiaries of this project are more than 60 orphaned & Mentally Challenged teenagers. This crisis forces us buy water everyday shelling a lot of money meant for the child care ($10 /load /day) - a great cause of concern. The issue could be sorted out by digging up/ deepening the borewells costing approximately $10,000/-
* Water shortage makes Mentally Challenged children unhealthy (no bathing & washing facilities & prone to sickness. * Buying water daily drains our finance helplessly. * Child Care service badly affected. * The existing wells gone dry & useless. * Water for drinking is another problem. * Depending on public contribution for water supply. * Medical bill has gone up due to the prevailing unhygienic situation. * The speechless children looking at the sky (ABOVE) for water everyday with Faith.
- To promote good health & hygiene among the underprivileged. - To ease out from hunger & thirst. - To enhance the quality of child care service of the Intellectually Challenged & orphaned children & young adults. - To spend money wisely on other basic needs for survival. - To be self sufficient & independent for the good cause / future of the victims. - The recurring medical bills would be low comparatively. - The mental strain of the support staff would be reduced considerably.
* To be self sufficient & independent while serving the needy ones. * Boosting the morale of the organization. * Care Givers can serve the children happily & with self contentment. * The growth & development of the sidelined would be measurable. * Rain harvesting procedure would be intensified. * Practise prevention better than cure. * Other components of child care would be strengthened. * Smiles seen on the face of the beneficiaries, the only future of theirs. * Careful utilization of water.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).