Digital skills to empower women & youth in Uganda

Digital skills to empower women & youth in Uganda
Digital skills to empower women & youth in Uganda
Digital skills to empower women & youth in Uganda
Digital skills to empower women & youth in Uganda
Digital skills to empower women & youth in Uganda
Digital skills to empower women & youth in Uganda
Digital skills to empower women & youth in Uganda
Digital skills to empower women & youth in Uganda


Your gift will connect women and youth to free computer and internet training in public and community libraries in Uganda, providing them with access to a world of online knowledge and new opportunities.

total raised
monthly donors


The COVID-19 pandemic has devastated the economy and education in Uganda. Access to the internet and digital skills are vital for rebuilding local economies and recovering education losses, but many families do not have computers at home and cannot afford to pay for internet connectivity. More people are reaching out to public and community libraries to learn computer skills, but libraries cannot afford to pay rising bills for computer repairs, internet use, electricity and volunteer stipends.


Your donations will help 20 libraries to meet increased community demand for free ICT access and training: to buy monthly internet data packages and 4G Wifi Pocket Routers, to pay for computer repairs and electricity, and engage volunteer trainers to assist librarians.

Long-Term Impact

In 2021, despite COVID-19, 20 libraries trained over 1,000 women and youth in basic computer and internet literacy, JAVA programming, internet research and digital marketing. With your support, they will be able to train many more people. "In the library, I have learnt how to apply computer skills in my day-to-day life and I plan to start up a stationery business in future in order to earn a living," said an ICT learner at Nyarushanje Community Library and Empowerment Centre.


Organization Information


Location: Vilnius, Lithuania - Lithuania
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @EIFLnet
Project Leader:
Ramune Petuchovaite
Vilnius , Lithuania

Funded Project!

Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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