Turning maps into action in Kibera

by Map Kibera Trust
Turning maps into action in Kibera
Turning maps into action in Kibera
Turning maps into action in Kibera
Turning maps into action in Kibera
Turning maps into action in Kibera
Turning maps into action in Kibera


Map Kibera Trust put Kibera on the world map! Our team of community mappers plan to bring the map information to local change agents in the community, through printed atlases and map murals throughout Kibera.

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Kibera, in Nairobi, Kenya, is a slum housing some 250,000 people. Kibera is likely the most photographed, researched, and well-known slum in the world. Before October 2009 however, Kibera did not appear on the world map. Map Kibera trained thirteen youth from the slum to use GPS devices to map points of interest in their community, such as clinics, water sources, landmarks, toilets, street lights, and businesses. The youth will now reach out the the community and 200 change agents with the maps.


The Map Kibera team wants to make sure that the local community is part of discussions about the challenges facing slum residents around the word. This project will reach out to local change agents to distribute the maps and discuss how geographic information and open data can be used to improve project delivery and development in Kibera and other slums around the world.

Long-Term Impact

We will reach out to 200 change agents around Kibera to discuss how community generated information can improve the delivery of services and the implementation of projects in Kibera.


Organization Information

Map Kibera Trust

Location: Nairobi - Kenya
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @mapkibera
Map Kibera Trust
Jamie Lundine
Project Leader:
Jamie Lundine
Nairobi , Nairobi Kenya

Funded Project!

Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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