Transform Learning addresses the learning crisis in government secondary schools in India where 7 out of 10 children (of the 17.6M) perform below grade level, hindering their transition to higher education, limiting access to employment and perpetuating cycle of poverty. We change this for 1.2M children by providing effective tools and training to students, teachers, school governors & head teachers in partnership with governments to help realise children's right to quality education.
Abysmally poor learning levels amongst children in government Secondary schools in India adversely impact transition to higher education and access to career opportunities. Only 44% of children in Class 5 can read Class 2 level text. Just seven out of ten children in Class 8 can read Class 2 level text. 70% of children in Class 9 do not have grade appropriate learning levels. Transform Learning works to solve this problem and improve learning levels of 1.2 million children.
Our solution is Transform Learning - a 200 hour accelerated programme delivered over 69 days by trained government teachers during school hours. Transform Learning is delivered through a formal partnership with State governments. It develops management, training, governance and teacher capacities through technical support. Evaluations by LSE and JPAL recognise the strong potential of Transform Learning to improve student learning outcomes in Science, English, Mathematics, Hindi and Odia.
Project will ensure readiness and excellence at Secondary school for 1.2M students to ensure better learning outcomes, nurture young aspirations and realise these in form of higher education and better employment. This will enable them to break the intergenerational cycle of poverty. Transform Learning's potential for impact is unparallelled- JPAL's pilot evaluation shows that 9 out of every 10 participants improve learning, programme effect being equivalent to 2.5 years of progress in school.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).