The Creative Factory Hub seeks to facilitate for inclusion of LGBTQAI+ persons into the Zimbabwean mainstream economy through providing entrepreneurship training, mentorship and safe working stations, which empowers LGBTQAI+ youth with skills and tailor made support in order to start and sustain their own enterprises and advocacy for inclusion of LGBTQAI+ in the mainstream economy.
The intersection of the oppressions faced by LGBTQAI+ Zimbabwean youths has impeded on their economic inclusion, empowerment and independence. They therefore have no equal access to interpersonal skills, entrepreneurship skills, business networks and mentorship which is key to their economic security and inclusion in the Zimbabwean economy.
The project seeks to strengthen capacities of LGBTQIA+ entrepreneurs with skills, tools and support to ensure their inclusion and growth in the Zimbabwean economy.It will equip LGBTQIA+ youths with ongoing support for sustainable entrepreneurship. Skills to be attained will include business management, leadership, marketing, communication and time management.Trained entrepreneurs will be supported through access to a safe, non-discriminatory co-working space with administrative support.
The intervention by The Creative Factory Hub focus area is unique in championing inclusion of LGBTQAI+ youths and strategic positioning of their voice and urgency to drive their sustainable integration, inclusion and full participation in the Zimbabwean economy leading to a change of stigma in the workplace and in the business community. we aim to train, incubate and support 100 LGBTQAI+ youth in the next 12 months.