This Natural Sciences Olympic Teams Association project aims to financially support all stages of preparing the Bulgarian natural science teams for the international Olympiads. Organizing and conducting National workshops on Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Informatics, Mathematical Linguistics, Astronomy, Astrophysics, as well as supporting the Young Physicists Academy, are critical for the good performance of Bulgarian youths at the Olympic Forums.
The Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Culture covers the participation fees and travel expenses of the Olympic science teams related to the International Olympiads. It also covers the costs of the contests at municipal and regional levels, whose finalists form the national Olympic team in each of the disciplines. However, the support of the Ministry does not include the most important aspect - the theoretical and practical preparation of the national teams.
The main mission of Natural Sciences Olympic Teams Association is to provide financial resources, to organize and support all activities that accompany the process of development and training of the dedicated to reaching peaks in natural sciences young people. Emanation of effort, patience and dedication would be the excellent international performance.
In the long run, the goals and mission of NSOTA are focused on the ongoing support of the Olympic Natural Science Teams. Taking into account the world natural scientific development trends, accountable business interests and the state's youth support, the Association's team holds faith and hope for a high performance and receiving prestigious awards, as well as the continuous professional realization of its participants - the young Olympians.
This project has provided additional documentation in a XLSX file (projdoc.xlsx).