This project will support schools in remote and marginalized areas in Western Kenya with water, sanitation and hygiene supplies, infrastructure as well as climate friendly solutions such as solar installation and clean energy cook stoves.
Western Kenya has been badly affected by climate change. Recent erratic rains caused rivers to burst its banks and back flow of the lake destroyed homes, crops and livelihood of already vulnerable communities. Several Schools were submerged by water and others used as evacuation camps. This has destroyed WASH infrastructure. Many remote schools do not have electricity, lack reliable water sources and cook using fossil fuels. Students are at risk of water borne diseases.
The Adopt a School initiative will work with school management to comply with the school health policies and guidelines. This will be done by improving the WASH infrastructure through provision of hand washing stations, water treatment, water tanks for rain water harvesting and improved menstrual hygiene management. Further climate friendly solutions such as installation of clean energy cook stoves and solar. School health clubs will be trained on climate action, hygiene promotion among others.
The improved WASH infrastructure and menstrual hygiene management will reduce waterborne diseases, respiratory infections and girls absenteeism as well as teenage pregnancy. The clean energy cook stoves and solar installation will be cost effective, improve working conditions and will help curb CO2 emissions. The school health clubs will enhance behavioral change, improved hygiene and climate action,
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).
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