CHAP will provide a free Financial Literacy Reality Fair project to over 1000 teenagers in school and out of school in Vihiga County and provide a unique opportunity for students to experience some of the financial challenges they will face when they start life on their own. It's a Hands-on experience in which teenagers will identify their career choice and starting salaries then complete a budget sheet requiring them to live within their monthly salary while paying for basics needs.
The Kenya National Adolescents and Youth Survey (NAYS) conducted in 2015 showed that main education issues facing young people in the county include absenteeism of teachers, drug and substance abuse, lack of school fees, peer pressure, early marriage and negative attitudes towards education. Among other issues affecting the teenagers in education is poverty that forces the teenagers to engage in early marriages or make wrong choices that affect their education.
This project will help 1000 and above students the opportunity to experience real life financial challenges that they will face as they become adults. Students will choose a career and are given a starting salary. They must complete a budget sheet and to live within their means, while paying for everyday costs such as housing, utilities, fare,clothing, food, and even child care.This will help students to focus on their studies and work for their goals or dreams as set during the reality event.
The project will educate 1000 students allowing them to experience the financial reality and help them to choose a career, improve their school grades and become financially literate by learning how to budget for their little income or leave within their means and save for their future goals. Increase resources on financial literacy and opportunities for the poor students through scholarships. Reduce cases of teenage pregnancies and help poor girls and young men complete education.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).