Fukushima Prefecture has been tragically marked by the disaster of the Dai-ichi nuclear power plant. In the aftermath of the terrible earthquake and tsunami in March 2011, around 160,000 citizens of Fukushima saw themselves forced to leave their homes behind and evacuate. Even today, more than three years later, the situation is severe. Please help AAR JAPAN improve the life of Fukushima's children and their families, the elderly, persons with disabilities and people living in temporary housing.
The residents of Fukushima Prefecture were not only affected by the natural disasters of earthquake and tsunami, but also by the industrial disaster of the nuclear power plant accident and radiation exposure. More than three years have passed since the Great East Japan Earthquake, but in many areas of Fukushima children still cannot play outside because of the radiation. Many residents are constantly worried about a possible contamination of local agricultural products and try to avoid tap water
AAR JAPAN plans for example the following activities: Take children on day trips to allow them to play outside in places not contaminated by radiation. Set up playground equipment at temporary housing complexes. Organize community events at temporary housing complexes for young and old to get together and overcome isolation. Set up devices for communities to measure the level of radiation in food. Reconstruct social welfare facilities for persons with disabilities (PWDs) and the elderly.
Around 160,000 people in Fukushima have been forced to evacuate, and for the majority of them, the prospect of returning home is bleak. Through our activities, we aim to help temporary housing residents out of their isolation, to improve the physical and psychological health of disaster survivors, to reduce the impact of radiation, to ensure that persons with disabilities and the elderly can get access to appropriate services at welfare facilities, to enable evacuees to take new steps forward.