More than 15% of children in India experience Developmental Delay. They do not get the appropriate developmental aids, due to lack of awareness and the financial hardship. Mobility India provides assistive devices like Ankle-Foot Orthosis, Standing Frame, Sitting chair, Corner seat to aid the child to have enough freedom to move, explore, walk and have the correct feet posture.
Many children with cerebral palsy and delayed developmental milestones, completely depend on their parents and care givers for their daily living activities. Rehab centers involved in fabrication of development aids in Bangalore are less compared to the ever growing demand, eventually leading to further deformities. Once the child is given a developmental aids it can be used for 6 months or one year, if the child grows then we have to provide the new one.
MI has developed pre-fabricated components to assemble and fit, adjustable and dismantle devices in 4 different sizes of sitting and standing positions devices, which would help the child to use the same devices for 2 to 3 years with slight adjustment in the aids. Children with disabilities, would be provided with appropriate developmental aids, using the aid the child eventually would acquire maximum abilities in the daily living leading to physical, social and psychological development.
The project will be able to provide 100 Children with cerebral palsy with appropriate developmental aids which will help them to achieve development milestones, maintain alignment and preventing muscle contractures and deformities. The children will have enough freedom to move and explore which leads them to physical, social and psychological development. Children will be less dependent on their parents and care givers. They would access education.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).