Alice a 15-year-old orphan girl lives with her two siblings aged 11 and 8 years old. After being orphaned just over a year ago, Alice had to discontinue her education to take care of her siblings. The 15-year-old bread winner wishes to put food on the table for her siblings during these trying times of COVID19. We have all hit hard times during this pandemic but it takes a gesture of goodwill to bring hope to Alice and her siblings. It's our appeal that you help feed Alice's family.
Alice lost her only livelihood to support her siblings at the local eatery due to lockdown and restrictions imposed by the Kenyan government. Access to foodstuff for her family is the priority; however, it is a daily challenge she faces. She used to buy water from vendors; she can no longer afford to buy clean water for her siblings. There are days they had to go without a meal. It has been about 2 months now since Alice's last payday and she still has to keep her family fed and cared for.
1. Alice and her siblings will have access to Basic Need such as food and clean reliable water. The sibling will be cared for and stop worrying about tomorrow's fate. A small-scale business will be started for Alice and her family to easy the burden of struggling to search for a living a tender age
The project will empower Alice and her family allowing them to rise out of poverty providing for Alice's family well-being
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).