SOUNGA POPULATION is project that is devoted to help people who are victims of social injustice by contributing to their socio-Professional insertion into the society, mainly orphans, widows , autochtones and marginalized people through special programs aiming at developing their minds on leadership skills, legal assistanship ,entrepreneurship and financial help(donations...)
Broadly speaking all over Africa and countries of the third world people coming from the low economic background are victims of several social facts and injustice due poverty , impunity,negligence of local authorities to stand efficiently for their cases. However, the observation is bitter, among most common cases recorded one can quote : -Widows, orphans are hunted from are misstreated and abandonned by the family; -Autochtones are victims of the human exploitation, rejected into the society.
Therefore in this regard, as an altruist, and a social entrepreneur in my community, seeing the emergency to try to give a rational response toward these pressing issues, I and my co-team have thought to implement the project Sounga aiming at bringing rescurses toward this target audience, precisely training them and giving them necessary tools to face up those challenges. For instance for widows they are going to be sustained by our legal assistanship and entrepreneurial program helping them.
Equiping in 2 years at least 1680 widows and orphans with the potential of becoming free lance entrepreneurs to generate their own incomes via the implementation of micro enterprises. This would help them to take care from their daily living and contribute to reduce poverty.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).