The project will provide basic quality education to 75 children living with disabilities in the slums of Kibera. The special school on wheels will have basic amenities required for conducting classes. The mobile school will help in developing social, cognitive and academic skill of the secluded children
120 Children with disabilities hardly attend schools in Kibera. The few CWDs who are at school are marginalized by their schoolmates, who nickname them according to their disabilities; this may lead the CWDs to quit school altogether children with disabilities are kept away from educational program; hence their rights to education are breached. Therefore many of these children become baggers in streets. CWD will benefit from this project as well as their guardians
The project will realize the potential of children with disability through access to basic education, life skills, activities of daily living (ADL) and vocational training for the older children 15-17 years. The project improve the health, physical, occupational and cognitive abilities of the children through provision of Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy. The project will empower the parent of children with disability in particular and other members of the community in general
This project intends to enhance the implementation of inclusive education for 75 children living with disabilities, whereby children with disabilities will feel well integrated in mainstream educational system. The project will also reduce stigma and discrimination that CWD face, educate them and provide quality education to the CWD. The project will also empower the guardians of the children by training them on income generation activities hence break the cycle of poverty and dependence
This project has provided additional documentation in a Microsoft Word file (projdoc.doc).