Project Report
| May 24, 2024
A lot keeps going on that we are involved in
By Douglas McMeekin | Executive Director, Yachana Foundation
The world keeps turning and we keep plugging along. We started a couple of days ago on the remodeling of the building where we will put a new medical clinic and laboratory. This is to replace one that the Napo River destroyed last year. We need a lot of help to get the equipment for the clinic and lab, so if you have any contacts please get back to me. This medical facility is so vitally needed. Plans continue to move forward with the University IKIAM and there sending students, probably in June, and our agricultural projects also keep advancing. We are also working with the Melipona stingless bees from the Amazon and macro photography. Plus a whole lot more. So keep in touch. Thanks for your support. And remember, I love you Douglas
Feb 1, 2024
examples of projects
By Douglas McMeekin | Executive Director
Here we are in the beginning of a new year, 2024. At Yachana, it is an exciting time. Here are a few examples of the many projects we are working on for students to elderly that are in different stages of development. One of those is our relationship with the university IKAIM located in our provincial capital of Tena. Yachana will be their Bio Campus and a large number of students will be spending time with us as part of their studies. A second project is the remodeling of a building we have to be a medical clinic. We have signed an agreement with the Ministry of Health and they will manage and equip this building to replace a clinic we originally built in 1997, turned over to the Ministry of Health in 2005, and that has recently been destroyed by a change of course of the Napo River. Third, we are doing a lot of research and work with our little Melipona bees, a native stingless bee. We are starting to work with macro photography which is making the identification of these tiny insects possible. It is amazing what is right before our eyes but that we don’t see. With this photography technique we can take a little insect that is three millimeters long (more or less 3/32 of an inch, small) and blow it up to facilitate identification. There are many more things we are working on, but these are just a few to show how the institution is growing in many different areas. Your support is vitally important to us, we need it more than ever right now. Thanks, keep following us, and “remember, I love you” Douglas
Oct 15, 2023
Current affairs
By Douglas McMeekin | Executive Director, Yachana Foundation
The Yachana Foundation was awarded a project by UNESCO to do a study of the status of the Sumaco Man and Biosphere Reserve. Our thousand hectares of rainforest is within this reserve. The study is making good progress and had an unexpected plus in that two of our staff working on the project are getting an all-expense trip paid for by UNESCO to Honduras for a conference. They leave on the 27th of this month. We are also involved in many other projects that are keeping us busy; but not much money. So your continued support is vitally important to us right now! So thanks!! Take care, love, Douglas