Imagine being able to Spay or Neuter Every Stray Dog in the feeding them one cookie. We are developing super birth control cookies to permanently end the global #1 cause of suffering for dogs: overpopulation. The fastest way to stop the cruelty and end the suffering of stray dogs is to develop a lifetime-lasting, one-dose birth-control cookie, that will spay or neuter without surgery. Our immediate goal is to bring our work and clinical trials into the U.S. to speed up our progress.
Videos of horrifying cruelty to strays are flooding YouTube, and are unbearable to watch. Unimaginable cruelty is inflicted upon strays in up to 60 nations with virtually no laws against cruelty. They are brutally beaten to death, thrown into garbage trucks to be crushed to death, poisoned, shot, electrocuted, fed rotten meat with broken glass in it (to make them bleed to death), etc. We must find the fastest way to end this: we must finish development of permanent Super Birth Control Cookies.
Our clinical trials use birth control formulas that already exist (ex: calcium chloride); we are applying advanced technology to modify and super-charge them and to convert them into permanent-lasting birth control. We produce infertility by safely changing the gonads and causing early menopause. No animals are harmed. Our Pilot Pups are adopted into forever homes. Thus far there are no negative side effects. Help us keep the cookies non-profit and free to the poor of the world.
We believe this single project can prevent more animal suffering than any other single animal project in history. Up to 10 billion strays will be born in the next 10 years worldwide. The majority will suffer and die painful deaths. A global solution is needed. It is within reach. A Spay and Neuter Cookie will prevent the suffering of 10 billion strays every 10 years. We must do the same for cats, horses, etc. The exciting news: the science and technology already exist. Help is needed. Join us!
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).
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