CEWEFIA is seeking support for 100 Vulnerable and marginalized women fish processors and their children who are finding it extremely difficult to afford face masks, soap, tissue paper and hand sanitizers in this COVID- 19 period. This is as a result of seasonal nature of the fish business, dwindling fish stock and big family sizes. The little fish they get at the landing beaches to buy is very expensive which makes life unbearable for them.
Fisher folk in the target communities are vulnerable due to the seasonality of their fishing occupation and the dwindling fish stocks. These have resulted in the reduction of their incomes hence makes it difficult for them to adhere to the precautionary measures towards the COVID-19 pandemic. Their vulnerability to adhere to follow the measures makes the susceptible to contracting the Corona-virus thereby posing a threat to their households, Communities and the Country as a whole.
CEWEFIA is going into partnership with Global Giving to help raise funds from Donors, Corporate Bodies, Individuals and Philanthropists to support the identified vulnerable households with the needed Personal Protective Equipment. CEWEFIA will also provide community education through Local Information centers on the preventive measures against COVID-19
The project seeks to reduce the viral infections among community members to the barest minimum. It is expected that the 100 households in the target communities would use the Personal Protective Equipment to reduce the incidence of infections in the communities. Veronica buckets which would be placed at vantage points in the houses will ensure that other community members and visitors to the households adhere to the precautionary measures
This project has provided additional documentation in a XLSX file (projdoc.xlsx).