Human Must Access Essentials (HUMAES) in fulfilling its mission of advocating for fundamental human rights through provision of information and services, plans to support 1000 vulnerable adolescent girls among the internally displaced persons' community in Nimule, South Sudan, and in the refugee camps of Adjumani district of Northern Uganda by purchasing and distributing Days for Girls Kits to them. HUMAES has NGO status both in South Sudan and Uganda.
Civil war in South Sudan has led to the displacement of people to Nimule in South Sudan. Buying sanitary protection for girls is too expensive for most of these families. As a result, many girls have no sanitary protection so they are unable to attend school for nearly a week each month. The girls miss a lot of school. Days for Girls is a non-profit organization which provides reusable sanitary protection in under-developed countries. HUMAES wishes to buy these for IDP and refugee girls
Purchasing Days for Girls kits to support 1000 vulnerable adolescent schoolgirls will help to keep the girls in school to continue with their education.
Through this project, 1000 vulnerable schoolgirls will be able to remain in school and complete their education to secondary or tertiary level. Indirectly this will make it less likely that girls will be married off early. Early marriage results in teenage pregnancies which, particularly in areas with poor healthcare, can further result in high maternal and infant mortality rates.