A boy's life is changed forever in the international sex trades. It takes guts for a boy to free himself. It takes vision for a boy to reach for his adulthood in challenging environments that express little empathy toward boys with HIV/AIDS and a history of sex work. Survivors will take a lead role in creating a model Safe House that will also guide multidisciplinary professionals wishing to improve the quality of life for survivors of the international sex trade in boys.
There are not enough Safe Houses for sexually abused & sexually exploited boys. There is also little guidance for anyone seeking to establish an effective Safe House for boys with HIV/AIDS and a history of sex work. Our collaborative initiative will explore with survivors how to create a Safe House environment that will raise the quality of life for male-child survivors and extend their life expectancy.
Our goal is to design a Safe House, which boys will choose to run to and to call their home. The survivors will pool their collective knowledge; the diverse ways trauma is manifest for boys, what strategies better alleviate significant physical & psychological trauma boys experience.
Early intervention works. Top of every survivors list is to have a safe place to live and grow up in. Our goal is to design a Safe House environment and create a template that will assist groups of survivors embedded in distinct localities, to come together and create safer places for themselves. Survivors are always worth investing in, because they give back; do everything they are able to raise the quality of life for their peers and prevent further boys having to endure profound neglect.