This project will fund the drilling of a borehole for Baobuyu Learning Center, a pre-school and community center in Livingstone, Zambia. The borehole will see an end to our current water crisis and provide reliable access to safe, clean water for over 100 pre-school students and community center program participants.
Since opening in 2016, the only consistent factor about our water supply has been that it is inconsistent - outages lasting weeks at a time are currently the norm. Even when the water flows, it is heavily sedimented and discoloured. The flow on effects to users of our preschool and community center in terms of health and hygiene are overwhelmingly negative. Water is a fundamental human need and an adequate supply is absolutely essential in the continued running of Baobuyu Learning Center.
A borehole will provide reliable, consistent access to clean and safe water for all of our day to day needs. This means we are able to ensure the health and safety of our students, teachers and community center participants. Simply being able to flush the toilets at all times; have water readily available for handwashing; mop the floors; water the gardens year round; and fill our drinking water jugs as needed would be life changing.
By providing a reliable and clean water supply, we are able to safely operate our school and community center. We mop the school up to 4 times per day - kids can make a lot of mess - and this uses a lot of water! Our gardens will flourish with consistent watering, so they can provide fresh produce for our preschool feeding program. Most importantly, we will have daily access to water for cleaning, drinking and sanitation which is so crucial for keeping us all healthy.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).