By Mr. Nicholas Engwau Health Inspector by Profession/HIV/AIDS Counselor and a Community HIV/AIDS Trainer Who is the Project Field Coordinator of the Organization. Amoru AIDS Support Community Initiative plans to provide nutrition food items, care and support Breast feeding mothers infected with HIV/AIDS and children living with HIV AIDS or born to HIV Positive Mothers in Otuboi Sub County, Kaberamaido District in Eastern Uganda, through working with Otuboi Health Centre III AIDS ART clinic.
Inadequate nutritional care and support for children with HIV or born to HIV positive mothers In Uganda, it is estimated that about 12 million women give birth every year. Given the average antenatal HIV prevalence of 6.5%, it implies that about 78 thousand of these women are living with HIV. It follows therefore that without any intervention at the community level for prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV, children born to HIV positive mother will be at a risk of malnutrition.
We will identify and mobilize 64 mothers who are HIV positive and are Breast feeding who are enrolled in the AIDS clinic in Otuboi Health Center III IN Kaberamaido district in Eastern Uganda. We shall startup sustainable income generating activities which will improve on their livelihood and investment. The project will include provision of seed funding for micro family projects like poultry, keeping animal's provision of seeds for demonstration gardens, formation of family support groups.
The project will contribute to the food security for 64 house hold of breast feeding mother infected with HIV/AIDS. The project will help them rise out of poverty, which will provide for their families food diversification through cultivation of local food staff, rearing of local birds/poultry to provide food and income for the families. The project will also promote active involvement of the male partners in providing care and support to the HIV positive mothers and exposed children.
This project has provided additional documentation in a DOCX file (projdoc.docx).