The Gift Of A Girl Foundation plans to hire a hall for one year to provide market skills to 200 young women in Kanapa community among the poorest who have dropped out of school
According to the reports given locally shows that Ongino sub county is one of the worst affected area with girls dropping out of school due to luck of school fees and Early pregnancy. TGOAGF will raise up these young women by provide them with market skills to enable them improve on their lives and it will act as part of a larger solution for our community.
As TGOAGF provides this young women with skills in garment making, Bag making, making of re-usable pads and hair dressing will make sure the products meet the standard of the market and guide them by putting them in groups for easy management and follow up. TGOAGF will also give them some basic knowledge in productive health, birth control methods and child nutrition skills.
We intend to raise and train 200 young women in each passing year making them be productive citizen and avoid unnecessary pregnancies by this their quality of lives will improve and their homes and community at large.
This project has provided additional documentation in a DOCX file (projdoc.docx).