Deafness goes beyond not being able to talk, it prevents children to develop cognitive and social skills. This project aims the provision of cochlear implants, devices with which Mateo will be able to restore hearing and develop his full potential. The sooner the better; the closer to 1 year of age, the more benefit he will get from them. He needs the surgery in the next few months to give him the chance to hear and speak.
Hearing aids are not enough to develop speech in deaf children; however, cochlear implants by pass the damaged area restoring hearing. Deafness goes beyond not hearing. Hearing is vital for the development of speech and thinking skills. Hearing loss isn`t in our Government's agenda; however, it becomes expensive when they are not able to complete higher-level education and their job options are limited. Other countries provide them for all who need them. Denying them is against human rights
Cochlear implants help deaf children/adults who do not benefit from hearing aids. Through its components, it may restore hearing to normal or near to normal levels. This project will aid the family acquire the device, which otherwise would be impossible due to the cost of the device and that of the surgery. It also includes the needed follow up for 18 months to ensure the child gets the best opportunities. It includes: auditory verbal therapy, programing of the electrodes, family orientation
Done at the right age and with appropriate follow up, kids will develop auditory, language and cognitive skills to their full potential, allowing them to complete academic studies and achieve personal goals. Once these skills are developed, they serve as base to build upon; so, the critical issue is to implant them to offer equal opportunities. With more users, its need will increase; it will help us lobby for its provision through Health Services, as other countries do.
This project has provided additional documentation in a XLSX file (projdoc.xlsx).