Recovering and Rehabilitating Ex Women convict

by Balanced Stewardship Development Association (BALSDA)
Recovering and Rehabilitating Ex Women convict


This project will rehabilitate and reintegrate 50 ex women convict at the shortest possible time by way of socio-economic integration,through vocational training in and out of prison that is tied to viable labor market opportunities for them, educate ex-inmate women about their rights and potential employers about the illegality and consequences of improperly rejecting job applicants with criminal records, Identify sources of transitional income that will assist them

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monthly donors


Challenges facing the Ex women convicts has a tremendous negative effect on the society and inimical to development. Some of these problems, most notably are re-establishing a home and family life, including regaining legal and physical custody of children; finding a job that will feed them finding affordable housing and meeting other basic needs; securing employment that pays a sufficient income; This project will reintegrate 50 of them and empower them with a vocational training .


BALSDA Will recover and rehabilitate these ex women convict at the shortest possible time by way of socio-economic integration. 1)We will ensure that women released from prison have proper documentation so they can apply for transitional benefits and unsubsidized employment. 2) We will also ensure vocational training in and out of prison that is tied to viable labor market opportunities for them 3) We will help them Identify sources of transitional income that will assist them

Long-Term Impact

The project will re-integrated and empowered, 50 Ex female convict with a sense of hope, dignity and they will be able to support themselves economically and provide for the health and education of their children.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Organization Information

Balanced Stewardship Development Association (BALSDA)

Location: abuja - Nigeria
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @BALSDATweets
Balanced Stewardship Development Association (BALSDA)
Adewale Adeleye
Project Leader:
Adewale Adeleye
abuja , fct Nigeria

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