This project aim is to support local young farmers affected by COVID-19 and fight stunting of children living in Community in Ruhango District. This project will support 60 youth who are in agribusiness of horticulture and 30 who are in livestock of poultry farming in southern province of Rwanda in Ruhango District shocked by the Pandemic of COVID-19 .RODI will provide Technical assistance ,Coaching, some materials , demonstration plots and distribution of layer Chickens and Cows .
Due toThe COVID-19 pandemic the global economic recession is projected in 2020. The IMF's projection of annual GDP of Rwanda is projected as follows : 3,5% in 2020 from 10.1% in 2019 and agriculture also is affected as it contribute 5,8% of productivity . Good measures taken by Goverment to stop COVID-19 spread for saving live of people's but Several sectors shocked even agriculture where more than 75% in Rwanda are Famers among small young famers affected
RODI provides technical assistance and equipments - Young Farmers trained in modern technology of agri faming and Livestock through demonstration plots and improved inputs for increasing productivity . Multiplication of pineapples seedlings in order to sell and distribute to other Farmers around the them. The Cows and poultry farming also is quick win of getting Manures , Milk and eggs for over come quickly the shocks of COVID-19.
The project will help 90 youth farmers to allowing them to arise out poverty and become Entrepreneurs .The Seeds and nurseries will be available in the community and youth will teaching community in peer learning approaches and 500,000 Seedlings of Pineapples will distributed to the community . Youth will be recovered in the financial stability , Malnutrition and stunting reduced , The project will also contribute in the food security for the community beneficiaries .
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).