Integrated Approach to Technology in Education (ITE) in 20 Madarsa as a Model in Varanasi and Jaunpur Madarsa students specially to girls.Improve Learning Processes and Pedagogy: The technology as an information processing tool takes away the traditional information giving role of the teacher. This basic functionality of technology by default requires the teachers to take a facilitative than an informative role. The ITE approach requires the teachers to play a central role.
India's secular character provides the freedom to all citizens to choose their own religion, a right provided in t of the Constitution of India. It also ensures that the state cannot discriminate on the basis of religion. However, in reality, things are different. The marginalization of the Muslim community the largest among the minority groups is complete. This has been corroborated by the Prime Minister's High-Level Committees on Minorities in 2006, headed by Justice Rajinder Sachhar.
Bridge the digital divide and foster digital citizenship of Muslim Minority Create learning interest, attendance and retention Learning achievement Improve learning processes and pedagogy
ITE will create an interest in the subject matter as given in the school text books. This genuine interest in learning and the opportunity to create something of their own, using computers, cameras, and phones will attract the learner to knowledge creating resources. Also, this will, in itself make school relevant and connected with the learning centres. Bridging the digital divide entails proficiency in technical skills ensuring a better future for the children and adolescents.
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