Diabetic retinopathy is now the leading cause of blindness among working age, if not properly managed, may lead to permanent blindness. China has the largest number of diabetes and the prevalence of diabetic retinopathy is high. A DR early intervention and network building program is sorely needed in order to build a system delivering proper comprehensive medical care to diabetic patients in rural China.
Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is now the leading cause of blindness among working age, diabetes patients will suffer from eye complications, if not managed properly, may lead to permanent blindness. China has the largest number of diabetes and the prevalence of DR is high. It is estimated that China has 116 million people with DM in 2019, and the number will reach 140.5 million in 2030, and 147.2 million in 2045.
Comprehensive strategies and approaches are planned and executed to address the problem. First, to strengthen the knowledge and skills in managing DR detection through capacity building efforts; Second, to provide eye care service delivery at all levels from early intervention to follow-up; Third, to conduct eye health education and campaign through all possible channels; And, to support development & modification of DR early detection and treatment guidelines throughout the project.
Concerning the rapidly growing problem about diabetes, this project helps the eye health community to build infrastructure needed for early detection of diabetic retinopathy (DR) and integrate eye screenings into the overall care for people living with diabetes, most importantly preventing avoidable blindness caused by DR.