Post secondary Education for Girls in Burkina Faso

by Friends of Burkina Faso (FBF)
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Post secondary Education for Girls in Burkina Faso
Post secondary Education for Girls in Burkina Faso
Post secondary Education for Girls in Burkina Faso
Post secondary Education for Girls in Burkina Faso
Post secondary Education for Girls in Burkina Faso
Post secondary Education for Girls in Burkina Faso
Post secondary Education for Girls in Burkina Faso
Post secondary Education for Girls in Burkina Faso
Post secondary Education for Girls in Burkina Faso


This project will provide scholarships to nursing, midwifery and primary school teacher training for 300 village girls who have completed secondary school at the top of their class in northern Burkina Faso. Because their parents are subsistence farmers, these scholarships are the only source of funds these girls will have to enable them to further their studies in primary school teaching, nursing or midwifery.

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Each year, approximately 200 high achieving girls from subsistence farming families graduate from secondary school in northern Burkina Faso with assistance of the Lambs Support Girls' Education Project. The purpose of this project is to offer training opportunities for a maximum number of these girls, thus expanding their capacities to have a positive and effective impact on their communities.


The project will pay for nursing, midwifery and primary school teacher training for at least 300 qualified girls whose parents are subsistence farmers in Burkina Faso. Their educations will enable them to contribute to the education, health and welfare of under-served rural communities. They will also serve as role models and leaders within their rural communities.

Long-Term Impact

Educating girls changes everything. When a girl in Burkina Faso receives an education, she marries later and has fewer children. When she earns an income, she reinvests it in her family, improving her children's health, education and well being, and she contributes to the development of her community and nation. When we invest in girls we all win! We empower the next generation to reach their potential as leaders committed to the growth and development of their countries.


Organization Information

Friends of Burkina Faso (FBF)

Location: Chester, CA - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Suzanne Plopper
Project Leader:
Suzanne Plopper
Chester , CA United States

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