Pakistan is the country with maximum out of school children in world after Nigeria. Poverty is one the main reason for children not to attend school and orphan children are among them as most vulnerable children. They have limited access to education due to not having of school fees, uniforms and stationary material. This project will focus on orphan children exclusively for their school fee and other expenses to cater their expenses.
Pakistan is a country of 207 million population and its 44% children between the ages of five and 16 are still out of school. It have highest out of school children in world after Nigeria. Access to school, quality education at school and people capacity to pay school expenses are the major contributor to this high number of out of school children. Orphan children are most vulnerable due to high poverty and remained out of school.
Project will sponsor identified orphan children only to continue or start their education through bearing their fee, provision of uniforms and shoes as well as stationary items to complete their academic year.
Identified children supported to continue or start their education will be completing their education and positively contributing in society instead of being engage in negative or anti-state activities. This will be further decreasing out of school children and ultimately toward sustainable development goal of education. (SDG-4)