Children's Town (CT) is a community-based school, training and rehabilitation center for orphans and vulnerable children. $30 provides a child's education materials for one year.
In Zambia, 15% of 1.1 million children are orphans. 75,000 of these children live on the street; 25% have no home--they sleep on the streets or live in marketplaces. Due to HIV/AIDS and the breakdown of traditional family support systems, 33% of orphans live with elderly grandparents. Their basic rights are not guaranteed. Needs for shelter, security, food, health and education are not met, leading many children into prostitution, drugs and other harmful and dangerous practices.
Children are identified and assessed for referral to Children's Town (CT). They live in family groups and attend up to grade 9 at CT & grade 12 elsewhere. All children learn vocational skills.
Children get a quality basic education (most complete high school). They master professional skills: mixed farming/agriculture and applied arts. They will be nurtured in a family environment so will be ready to be responsible, productive citizens.
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