Operation Potcake is a Coalition of all the animal groups in Nassau - mainly the Bahamas Humane Society. In January 2013 we had our first 'Operation Potcake'. In 10 days we spayed and neutered 2,315 dogs in 5 MASH clinics in Nassau Bahamas. In February 2014 we will have 4 MASH Clinics and 1 will be a cat clinic. Our goal will be to spay and neuter 800-1000 dogs and cats in 5 days. Being in the community is key for impact and education. We maximize fundraising dollars with high volume clinics.
There are approximately 20,000 stray dogs in the Nassau alone, plus at the same amount of cats. They roam neighborhoods seeking food, water and shelter. They fight over the limited amounts of food available and suffer from painful diseases. Some are hit by cars and others are poisoned, the life of a street dog/cat is often one of pain and suffering. Thousands of dogs and cats are unnecessarily euthanized each year.
A Trap-neuter-return (TNR) is promoted by the ASPCA and HSUS as the most humane and effective alternative to euthanasia for managing and over animal populations. Working together with local communities it is the only long term solution that includes education and the promotion responsible pet ownership. These sterilizations will save thousands of helpless puppies and kittens being born into a life of suffering, disease and painful death.
1 unaltered female dog and her subsequent offspring can produce 67,000 puppies in only 6 years.*(peta) An unspayed female cat and all of their offspring, producing 2 litters of kittens per year, can produce well over 10,000 kittens in 5 years. This program will provide a dramatic reduction in the number of puppies and kittens will be born to suffer on the streets of Bahamas. Less stray animals also provide safer and healthier communities. Education will bring more compassionate behavior.