This project will build the capacity of 30 small scale farmers in Eburru village to facilitate rich supply of food for the respective family units in this times of unpredictable rainfall patterns.
3 years in a row, more than 150 small scale farmers in Eburru village have gone without harvest due to extended dry period. Records from the local Eburru dispensary indicate a 40% increase in cases of malnutrition and a further 45% decline in school going children according to the records at the local Eburru primary day school. This project will benefit at least 30 households with supply of orphaned certified seeds, irrigation and water supply equipments.
There shall be enough water for subsistence crop production to facilitate access to food. The children will resume schooling and incidence of malnutrition reduced.
The project will minimize the impact of climate change, ensure a healthy and productive society that ultimately allowing them to rise out of poverty.