New Mama plans to make up 200 'Welcome to the World' Maternity Packs to be gifted to 200 underprivileged new moms and their babies in government hospitals around Gauteng, South Africa. The packs provide the New Mamas with all the essential items needed for a new mom. These items which should be provided by the government hospitals are simply not, due to lack of funding, misuse of funding and politics. Our goal is to empower new moms making them aware of their importance as moms.
There are currently 17000 babies born every year in Chris Hani Baragwanath Government Hospital in South Africa alone. Although the government claims to provide the best health care, this is not the case by no means. Many government hospitals are left with minimal funds, mismanagement of funds and lack of funds due to political issues and government fraud. This leaves new moms with no guarantee of basic essentials such as blankets, nappies, soap, maternity pads, bedding and more...
New Mama provides 'Welcome to the World' Maternity packs to underprivileged new mom and their new-borns. Birth is a daunting task and these packs provide the new moms with essential items to keep not just their babies in good health but themselves as well. Majority of these moms come from poverty stricken communities and these packs provide them with items which they would not be able to purchase ensuring better health as well as mental well being.
The project will empower 200 new moms allowing them become the best possible mothers they can be for their children, which will empower their families and communities. The project will also ensure the well being of 200 new born babies, to ensure good health and care.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).