Sensitized 15000 People on LGBTQ in Nepal

by Sudur Paschim Samaj
Sensitized 15000 People on LGBTQ in Nepal
Sensitized 15000 People on LGBTQ in Nepal
Sensitized 15000 People on LGBTQ in Nepal
Sensitized 15000 People on LGBTQ in Nepal
Sensitized 15000 People on LGBTQ in Nepal
Sensitized 15000 People on LGBTQ in Nepal
Sensitized 15000 People on LGBTQ in Nepal
Sensitized 15000 People on LGBTQ in Nepal
Sensitized 15000 People on LGBTQ in Nepal
Sensitized 15000 People on LGBTQ in Nepal


This project will aware 1000 LGBTI People on Human Rights at Farwestern and Mid western region of Nepal and at the same time will oriented more than 500 people from Government agencies, Health service provider other stakeholders on sex, Gender and Sexuality.

total raised
monthly donors


Far Western region is the backward region compared to the other region of nepal, In the recent(2016) size estimation of nepal government, around 8000 LGBTQ People had been showed in the data in this region but we had reached 2000. Because of stigma and discrimination, disclosed in society , family pressure they didn't came out. This project will affect more than 1000 LGBTQ people for aware about his/her human Rights and disclosed the society


SPS Orientated to Government agencies , Health service provider , other stakeholders and general population on LGBTQ issues. LGBTQ people are trained in Human Rights and Advocacy. we need to change misconception of society on LGBTQ and empower the LGBTQ to come out.

Long-Term Impact

This Project will trained 1000 LGBTQ on Human rights, which will support to advocay and comming out. More then 500 people from Goverment agensies , Health service provider, other stakholder and genral population aware about LGBTQ Issues , whic will the provide service for LGBTQ people with out discrimination and aware to other person .

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).

Organization Information

Sudur Paschim Samaj

Location: Dhangadhi - Nepal
Facebook: Facebook Page
Sudur Paschim Samaj
Raju Lama
Project Leader:
Raju Lama
Dhangadhi , Nepal

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