Children living in orphanages are among the most marginalised groups society globally, they are highly vulnerable to neglect as well as physical and sexual abuse. We have reunited over 60 children from two children's homes in Kenya with their family through family tracing, community engagement and counselling. Now we want to support the families to be self-reliant by starting up small businesses so they can continue to provide for themselves and their children.
8 million children are separated from their families worldwide. Children raised in institutions are highly vulnerable to neglect, physical & sexual abuse. Institutionalised children who lack individual care & attention & are treated the same irrespective of age, gender, abilities or needs. These children are isolated from their communities of origin, separated from siblings & unable to maintain a close relationship with their parents and extended families.
For children who have been reintegrated from children's homes back to their families, one of the biggest expenses to their families is education. In fact, parents in poverty have been known to put their children into institutions to ensure they complete their education - a choice no parent should have to make. By providing funding business start up and financial literacy training for families, we can help them become self-reliant and help children complete their education.
Institutions cause children measurable and sometimes irreparable harm. Children are far less likely to be educated and to be physically or mentally well. Malnutrition is all too common. They are many more times likely to be abused or trafficked. The effects on infants are particularly chronic, with many failing to thrive, or dying. The impact being raised in a family having the love and attention of a dedicated carer has a profound and long-lasting positive impact on children.