Join our team. Help support Todos Santos youth sports programs. Why sports? Sports empower our children and create healthy communities. Young athletes do better in school. Sports teach teamwork and problem solving. Sports teach lifelong positive lifestyle habits. Team security gives self-esteem and personal satisfaction. Sports promote character and build social skills. Sports are fun! Improve the lives of children, build community and change the world. The future is calling, won't you help?
Sports are not available to many of the 3000 children and teens living in the Todos Santos area. The cost of uniforms, shoes and equipment is often out of reach for many of our most vulnerable young people. Travel to out of town league games is difficult for many teams and individuals. Champions struggle to participate in national and international competitions. Vida and Prosperidad Todos Santos is working to assure that all our community youth can participate in sports. We need your help.
VPTS have been working for the past five years to fund sports programs within our community. This year our All Star baseball team went to the national finals. In 2018 more than 500 children, teens and adults are participating in Soccer. We held our first ever marathon, have expanded our program to include Girl's Softball and we hope to grow to include an even broader range of sports. You can help create opportunities for all our kids and teens. Teamwork makes the dream work. Please donate today.
Sports matter. Studies show that children who are active are less likely to be obese, do better in school, far less likely to do drugs or get pregnant as teenagers, more likely to go to college, and will raise active kids of their own. Positive Coaching Alliance says, "Youth sports is a development zone not only for athletic skills, but for life". As a former gang member told me, "I am now with a team, not a gang. You can't score a goal when you are high on drugs. I like scoring goals". Help us.
This project has provided additional documentation in a DOCX file (projdoc.docx).