Destitute elderly are marginalized & stigmatized in Ethiopia for lack of care from relatives or extended family. They are also are living in deteriorated economic and social reality due to poverty, physical disability. We planned to provide food items, water, clothing, shelter, medical treatment, sanitary materials, psycho-social support & supportive equipments for 50 destitute elderly, with a special focus on those living with disability and Women
In countries like Ethiopia, where there is no social service institution developed elderly are disadvantageous .There is hardly any Center for elderly Services in rural Ethiopia. Ethiopian rural elderly neither get any basic need support from relatives &extended families nor they have access to other forms of support from the government . Because of elderly abandonment by the community they have been found to be hopeless, helpless and lives in dignified manner. Most of them are do not h
Elderly will get basic needs like food, shelter; closing and proper medical care .Elderly will live in clean &safe environment and live a healthy life.
Confidence of elderly will be built and elderly will be psychologically stable and secured .Quality of life will improve for elderly. Livelihood and welfare for those elderly will be also improved. Elderly will live a happy life for the rest of their life
This project has provided additional documentation in a DOCX file (projdoc.docx).