We are serving to benefit and keep over 500 needy girls in schools in Kampala slums by providing them with re-usable sanitary pads, school fees & requirement. Provisions of sanitary pads by our organization makes it possible for these needy girls to enjoy class with comfort and concentration during their times of menstruation. Our Vision is to construct a youth center & an orphanage where making of the kits will be conducted on top of offering the social, moral & spiritual support to all youths
Because of poverty, over 3000 school needy girls in Kampala(Slums) lack sanitary pads to protect themselves during their menstruation period. Besides the fact that some girls are orphans or extremely needy, many semi-privileged families who live on just $1 a day in Kampala find sanitary pads a luxury and food a priority. This thus leaves our innocent girls with no option but to either use banana leaves, newspapers, mattress stuff or miss class to avoid shame isolation and embarrassments.
Our campaign thus, is an initiative determined to respond. Through the activity, we are serving as a resource to benefit & keep needy girls in schools by providing them with re-usable sanitary kits that help them concentrate in class during their menstruation period, on top of providing them with the school & basic needs. Thus, working in partnership with our friends, churches, organizations / companies like you, we will provide for over 500 needy girls in our communities throughout the year.
We will be able to reduce on the numbers of school girl dropouts & have more educated girls who will equally participate in the development of our country. And we will also be able stop the increasing rates of unwanted pregnancy in young girls in Kampala who give in, seeking to obtain money to buy sanitary pads. With the generosity & connections for the project, the organization will be able to acquire a transport van that transports our mission team & products to schools & communities.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).