Help us Fund Equipment for Clarita's Cafe

by Fundacion Desafio Levantemos Chile
Help us Fund Equipment for Clarita's Cafe


Jacqueline and her mother run Monte Patria's only cafe, inspired by a legacy of baking. They need to purchase a professional coffee machine and a soft-serve ice cream machine to meet customer demand and expand their business. Your support will help them enhance their cafe, share traditional recipes, and boost the local economy through a circular economy model.

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Jacqueline and her mother, who own the only cafe in Monte Patria, need financial support to acquire essential equipment. Their current limitations are preventing them from meeting customer demand and expanding their cafe into a restaurant offering traditional recipes.


Your donations will enable Jacqueline to purchase a professional coffee machine and a soft-serve ice cream machine. These upgrades will help meet customer demand, enhance their offerings, and advance their dream of expanding the cafe into a restaurant serving cherished family recipes.

Long-Term Impact

Economic Growth: Supports local agriculture and strengthens the local economy through a circular economy model. Cultural Preservation: Promotes traditional recipes and culinary heritage in Monte Patria. Community Development: Provides a beloved local cafe that fosters community spirit and supports local farmers.


Organization Information

Fundacion Desafio Levantemos Chile

Location: Santiago, Region Metropolitana - Chile
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @desafiochile
Project Leader:
Angela Gaete
Santiago , Region Metropolitana Chile
$0 raised of $2,000 goal
0 donations
$2,000 to go
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