The team of Ukrainian Charity Fund "Social Partnership" has a mission to help the National Children's Hospital "OKHMATDYT" (Kyiv/Ukraine), which is now sorely in need of equipment for nursing premature babies (born before time children): - Breathing apparatus; - Apparatus for infusion of fluids; - Apparatus for nursing Right now, in the hospital "OKHMATDYT" there are 9 premature babies weighting up to 1 kg, who need high-quality rehabilitation.
According to the UN data, in 2012, Ukraine took the first place in Europe in terms of infant mortality among children under 1 year: 2 times higher than in Europe. The problem of premature babies is very acute in Ukraine where around 26 000 of such children are born every year. Only 50% of premature babies survive in Ukraine, while in the Europe, because of the modern technology - almost 100%.
Purchase and installation of the above mentioned equipment in the hospital "OKHMATDYT" will reduce mortality in premature children who fall on the rehabilitation by 50%. This equipment will also reduce infection of premature babies; reduce the period of nursing by 20%.
The start of the necessary equipment use in hospital "OKHMATDYT" will become the real impetus for the development of the health system in Ukraine. Also, it will be a significant step in the implementation of the state program of assistance and rehabilitation of premature children. It is expected that other children's hospitals and maternity hospitals in Ukraine will follow the principle of using the equipment for the rehabilitation of premature children.