The mood in the room could not have been more focused, more razor sharp, as the students and teachers listened intently - with their eyes, not their ears- while the two visiting instructors explained the process to them in their native language, sign language.
When others who are Deaf visit EEESMA School for the Deaf, many from the US, to share their knowledge and experience with our kids, there is a connection that is made, a bond that is forged, one that can only be totally understood if you are deaf. Together each person will form part of the exclusive "Deaf Community". It is obviously a magical experience for them.
We share with NGO Deaf Kids Code the mission to promote the value of computer technology among the young Deaf community. Our shared vision is to bridge the severe economic and social gaps that exist among the Deaf through the cultivation of computing and technology skills, knowing well that it is these skills that form the backbone of future employment.
During March of this year, the team of Nadmi and Ruth, both highly educated in the field of computer technology and both deaf themselves, came to light a fire, to get our students excited about the world of computing, a first for them in Mexico. Our students, including Angelica and Dylan, instinctually saw this experience as an opportunity not to be missed, that this 3-day workshop would likely turn into one of those magical experiences. Angelica and Dylan rose to the challenge, soaking it all up, beaming from ear to ear, performing well and so pleased to be a part of the workshop. They now look forward to a second visit, likely in October this year when the team returns to spread their magic yet again.
And there are many other ongoing programs at the school to teach the students what they need to know to communicate digitally and how use a computer skilfully. We know that it is through the universal language of computing that Angelica and Dylan and many other children will prepare themselves to take full advantage of job opportunities awaiting them now and into the future.
Because of your generous support, Angelica and Dylan are able to participate in all of the technology programs offered at school and your continued support will create even more opportunities for the students of EEESMA School for the Deaf.
We believe in the potential of all children. You can help empower more deaf children through technology education by generously giving to this project.