The community of Jalambang, located in West Coast Region of The Gambia, has about 350 to 400 households with an estimated population of about five thousand to six thousand people. Currently, the children of Jalambang have to travel 6 kilometers each day to Brikama to attain school. Because of the danger, many parents keep their children at home. This project will help establish a school in Jalamba, ensuring the education of our youth and expanding livelihood options for parents.
Funding, materials and resources is our main challenge at this point. The project will solve and reduce burden on parents, the risk encounter during the long travelling distance will be reduced.
With a school in close proximity, more parents will be willing to send their children to school by making the journey less expensive, less time consuming and less dangerous.
Potential long-term impacts include increased literacy, higher household income because more parents will be able to expand their income generating activities with their children safely away at school.