BDO plans to support 2 critically mobility disabled women and girls by providing a wheel chair to ease mobility; provide saleable commodities to generate revolving income to empower economically; and supply hygiene keeping supplies. Acquiring a wheelchair tended to improve social relationships, self-care, play, and mobility. Access to a wheelchair also has impacts both on social and health needs of the user.
Mobility disability for women is tragic especially for women living in poverty. They experience social isolation, sexually and mentally affected, and economically the poorest of poor. Semira is so lonely, saddened, and distressed of her life. She is frustrated of her life because every day she crawls along the dirt and muddy streets in Addis and begs for her subsistence. Recently, the life challenged has become painful because of crisis allover. There are no welfare services from the public.
This project will support 10 women/girls who are mobility disabled and residing in Addis Ababa specifically living around Betel area. BDO will uplift and inspire the social, economic and psychological status of the affected. The project will buy a wheel chair for each and help easy mobility and protect them from crawling on dirty streets; support them to have commodities for sell siting on their wheel chair for economic support and daily subsistence; and they will get hygiene keeping supplies.
The project will have a positive impact on easy and fast mobility and sustained employment and income. The beneficiaries will attain economic empowerment by selling small commodities and get income instead of begging. The profit money will be used to buy more goods sell. The declaration of the women on economic independence also will also have positive psychosocial outcomes. Access to a wheelchair also has impacts both on social and health needs of the user. Thus, a better quality of life.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).